The EEE has a SSD drive, but at only 32GB, putting the whole CPAN (currently at 6.9GB) on it is a bit taxing. With the help of minicpan, I got it down to only 1.2GB. So thanks again Ricardo!
Then I immediately wondered how big BackPAN is, guessing it might be between 30-100GB (with 14 years of CPAN's history and all). But then:
$ perl -MParse::BACKPAN::Packages -e'$p = Parse::BACKPAN::Packages->new(); printf "BACKPAN is %.1fGB\n", $p->size/1024/1024/1024'
Much smaller than I had thought. It's just about twice the current size of CPAN. Which probably means that a lot of CPAN authors still leave much of their stuffs around and not delete them.
it sounds like you have it solved but schwern is working on getting BackPAN and CPAN in to git, so it will be much lighter.