Selasa, 12 Januari 2010


A few weeks ago I found about Log::Any, and have since migrated many of modules to it (usually from Log::Log4perl).

The two main advantages of Log::Any for me:
  • your users don't need to configure anything if they don't want logging. When my module, say Foo, uses Log4perl to produce logs, then when you use Foo, Log4perl will emit a warning: Log4perl: Seems like no initialization happened. Forgot to call init()?. To remove this warning you need to initialize Log4perl, e.g. using use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy); Log::Log4perl->easy_init($FATAL); This is annoying if you happen to not care about logging.

    With Log::Any, the default is null logging.

  • printf-style logging. For example, $log->debugf("data = %s", $data); It can also handle references/nested data structures, so you don't have to resort to something like $log->debug(sub { "data = " . Dumper($big_data) });. In fact, 99% of the time I use sub{} is precisely because I want to avoid the cost of dumping.

Of course, there are some features in Log4perl that is missing in Log::Any, like logdie() and the TRACE level. But it is a small price to pay. You gain other benefits, the most important of which is compatibility with other logging frameworks. I'm sure some people prefer something else to Log4perl. Log::Any currently supports Log4perl as well as Log::Dispatch, and possibly others too in the future.

Thanks Jonathan for Log::Any!

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