Kamis, 23 September 2010

Perl vs PHP (a bit of credit to PHP)

Just read this blog post. Comments are disabled, so I thought I'd add a blog post.

There are endless ways we can sneer at PHP's deficiencies, but since 5.3 PHP already supports anonymous subroutines, via the function (args) { ... } syntax. So:

$longestLine = max(
create_function('$a', 'return strlen($a);'),
explode("\n", $str)

can be rewritten as:

$longestLine = max(
function($a) { return strlen($a); },
explode("\n", $str)

though the example is not a good one since it might as well be:

$longestLine = max(
explode("\n", $str)

2 komentar:

  1. which makes it 13 characters shorter than his Perl example :)

  2. I'm no golfer but this is a bit shorter…



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